"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I think we all know the type of person who is constantly tapping their hands on something – drumming on their legs (or yours) or the wall, the floor, the chair in front of them, or whatever else may be within reach. Many of us also know the type of person who sings the same song over 50 times in a day. Actually, someone reading this may actually be one of these types of people. One sign that this may be you is that you have no idea what I’m talking about. For the rest of you, imaging going to a school where 800 of the students are there to study music of some sort. By nature, this means there will be a lot of people as described above. Interesting scenario when you have these kinds of people living beside, above, and below you.

OK, it’s really not that bad, but I thought of this the other day when I was riding the bus and someone was busily tapping out a beat on the floor and on my seat. It was almost as if I was the drum set since the seat did not absorb much of the blow.

Aaah life is great. Just to realize there are 800 people in my area studying to be better able to lead others into God’s presence is amazing.

Brian Houston, Allan Meyer, Christine Cain, Darlene Zchech, Joel Houston; just the start of a list of people that have spoken in some form in the last two days. It’s been a privilege to hear from these people as each one of them has great insights into ministry and has done phenomenal things in it…And I’m told the best is yet to come. I was again amazed this morning as we had a chapel time and I was hardly able to hear my own voice singing because there were so many others singing praises and worshipping God passionately. It is truly a great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know, Larry, that I'm rather enjoying your journal. You keep doing what you're doing, Honey, cause you're doing it!!!