"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Monday, September 11, 2006

2nd 30th birthday on Sunday

I guess certain people who thought it important only found out today that it was my birthday on Friday. Before the evening service, one of the guys came up to me and said he had been hearing lots about me and also wished me a happy birthday. I’m left to wonder if the birthday is all he had heard or if there is something else too…a couple more people wished me happy birthday throughout the evening and then on the bus when we were about to leave church, they sang for me and wanted me to say something. After a 30 second impromptu “best is yet to come” speech, they asked for a joke so I gave one of those too. This just made my day – if it hadn’t already been made (see more later if I remember to write it). Then to top it off, one of the couples here invited me over for a later supper so I joined a couple of other students in going to their place and spending the evening. They made sure I had another birthday cake and a good evening. While I was there some girls came around asking where I lived so since I was there, I met them at the door. They brought me a card that many of the students had signed. It really touched me in a good way. There were some comments in there indicating that I’ve had an impact on people out here. I don’t understand it and I feel like I’ve been here so short a time and have done so little, but apparently God is doing something through me already. For this, I can only thank Him and pray that He continually helps me to let Him shine through me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Larry,
I love to look at your new news. Everyday I check to see what is happening and pray for you. We are looking forward to what God is doing to you and through you. Be a willing vessel! And happy belated birthday!
Keep on seeking!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday Larry!! Sounds like you are really enjoying your time in Australia. I enjoy reading your blog.
God Bless you as you continue to study.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Larry. So now we're exactly a quarter of a century apart in age. I guess we always have been. Duh!!! Just a blond blurp!!
You sound really upbeat and I'm happy for you!!
Take care, JP

Anonymous said...

Hi Larry,
Happy Birthday. Good to hear that things are going well for you. We are praying for you. I enjoy reading your blog, it helps keep things up to date. Myra, Julia and Ethan say hi to. Take care
