"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Friday, September 15, 2006

Words from God

I thought the title may catch a few eyes...

I'm looking for the opportunities to share what God has done in my life and to speak into other people's lives. As part of this, I'm also waiting for opportunities to do this in front of groups of people. So, I thought it would be appropriate for me to join the speakers club (kind of similar to Toastmasters in Canada but focusing on church related speaking instead of business or general public speaking) to work on improving my public speaking. Well, I went to my first meeting this week and was given the opportunity to share a bit in front of the group. There were about 20-30 people there and apparently God used what I said to touch many of them. Over the next hour as the meeting continued, one person after another spoke up with words of encouragement, many of them believing the Holy Spirit was telling them what to say. It was an incredibly humbling yet encouraging experience as many of these people had never met me before and spoke directly to things in my life that they could not possibly have known. I’m looking forward to more opportunities like this.

I’ve now finished my first week of classes and have found all them then very interesting; even the Doctrine and Church History classes are interesting and practical. I’m really enjoying it all and look forward to even more. During the week we also had a “small” two night conference on God’s grace and favor; for which our building was filled with over 4,000 people. It’s quite amazing to be a part of; whether serving or sitting in the audience (I did both at different times during the conference)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a kook! Nice sign! I am really happy for you, that you are finding joy and fulfillment in your new journey. Praise God that you have already found a small niche within which you can fit. Keep looking up and then you know for sure that you won't be the next sign posted.