I got my car out the first day I was here and had to do some coaxing to get it running but after a good boost for the battery, it’s working well. My first time driving it I hit the wipers instead of the signal switch for three of the first four corners (the switch is on the other side of the steering wheel in case you don’t know this). I’ve also hit the door with my hand a couple of times as I reached to change gears. Fortunately I haven’t forgotten how to drive 5 speed standard and staying on the right side of the road feels very natural. I guess 15 years of driving on the right side doesn’t leave you in a few short months. I’ve also been able to drive on slippery roads and in blowing snow and snow drifts. Oh, the joys of winter.
I’ve been to my former workplace to see some great people there. They were happy to see me. I couldn’t resist singing “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” as I walked in the door.
I had a chance to stop by one of the best local restaurants and have also had some “squeaky cheese” (cheese curds) from the best cheese factory around, Reese’s Pieces, Cheese Whiz, ketchup chips, and farmer sausage. I’m still looking forward to the real A&W and a few slices of the best pizza in the world (http://www.vernspizza.com/) home of the legendary “Single slice is a meal”
Last night I was a choir practice for my church and had a great time there. One of the people was so surprised and excited to see me that she almost fell over (ok, I think it was basically surprise on this one)...I'm looking forward to being in church and singing in my home choir this weekend.
Below are some pictures of my trip and arrival home.

One of the sunsets on the way home.

The first winter clothing I saw when I got home was “earmuffs.” I use the term loosely to describe something that was made for me out of a plastic ice cream pail, some old rags, a bit of tape, and some cardboard. I chose to put up a picture in the real winter clothes I wore the next day as I went with my niece to her school bus stop. This walk also helped me realize I’ve started adjusting to the Australian climate because it was only 5 below zero (very warm for December in Manitoba) but I felt cold in only a few minutes.

On my way out of the airport, I saw this polar bear with a pine tree lit up behind it. It was a welcome site.

There was a Christmas tree in my room when I got home. My brother couldn’t resist when he saw it and his daughter insisted it needed to have an angel on the top (which didn’t make it into the picture because of size) even though the tree is dead. If you look closely, you can see on the wall is a picture of some of my friends in Australia. My brother and sister-in-law printed two pictures off my blog and put them on the wall. They help me remember where I’m away from for the next few weeks.

This Coca Cola bottle was also in my room. Anyone who knows my brother will know this was a real sacrifice considering his undivided devotion to the drink that claims to be something of competition for this great beverage icon.

Here’s my car on the first morning I could drive it. Yes this is my car, unlike a previous post regarding a car in Australia. But also remember, on that other post I didn’t say the car in the picture was mine, that was just assumed by some people. This picture actually is of my car in Canada. It’s so great to get the snow off a car before driving it!
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