1. To show people I'm still alive - it's been a long time since I've put any pictures up so I figured some people may think my site has been hijacked and is being run by someone else. It's still me!
2. See the colour on my face? Even if you don't, it's there! I'm finally getting a bit of sun tan again after a "harsh" Australian winter
3. Take a look at the green trees in the background - spring is well underway! - this is the view from my bedroom
4. I'm still me. Yes, I'm still crazy enough to take a picture of myself looking like this.
5. Notice the clear blue sky. Figured it might be nice for some of you see more cloud than sun most of the time. It's a beautiful day today but I've actually turned down an invitation to go to the beach so I can stay home and take care of things I need to do - like assignments...
I guess now I could check your dental records to see if this picture is in fact you. But I will just take your word for it. Good to see your still alive.
Is that really you, Larry?...I thought I remembered my brother having a smaller forehead ;)
Thanks for the view out of your window. That was my view 5 mths ago and it looked about the same then as it does in this picture. Don't you get bored with the same old blue sky every day? Out here the sky is always changing - so much more interesting.
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