"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Celebrate the small steps!!!

After one night in hospital, pain, two nights on the sofa, more pain, two nights in my own bed, yet more pain, and pretty much the rest my last week on the sofa, (oh, and did I mention the pain???) I'm having the best morning in a while. I got up this morning and felt safe taking a shower (just to be clear, I have kept myself clean, just had to use the bathtub instead of the shower!), so I did. Moving on from there, I got downstairs in a record 3 minutes or so! I then went on to the kitchen and made a good breakfast and walked over to my home for the last week - my sofa; yes I walked! Without crutches! I made it across the kitchen, into the living room - twice - carrying my breakfast. It was hard and slow, but I did it. For the first time, I can see how the doctor might be right that I could get off the crutches in 7-10 days.

Now just for those who regularly tell me to be careful and not push myself too hard, this is the first time in my life that a doctor has been anywhere near as aggressive as me in my own recovery, but he directly told me to "ditch those things as quick as possible." "Use your leg as much as possible," "Get the mobility back as quickly as possible," and "Put as much weight on it as you can." I like this doctor!

I've run out of prescription pain killers but am using some over the counter drugs, but the pain is decreasing.


t-anne said...

sounds like you had a big breakfast if it took you two trips (without the aid of crutches) to carry it across the various rooms. I'm glad to hear the pain is decreasing and you are able to do some walking again. I'm sure it felt like a long week on the couch

Anonymous said...

reckon I`m a bit slow, ain`t heard of no surgery till today. Sounds like you is do`n good though. In `97 Doc said to toss my neck brace ASAP as well. That`d make it 2 gooder Doc`s! - Spike P. - PS Old timers desease made me forget my account so I is Anonymous now

Anonymous said...

...a snowball fight might be kind of fun right now - I might be able to win:) No really, I'm glad you're up and walking and doing well.