"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Friday, October 12, 2007

Bring on Private Health Care!!!

I guess that title is a bit controversial coming from someone born and raised in a country with what is widely regarded as the best public health care system in the world; but the truth is usually controversial. Now, I'm not saying that we should get rid of public health care in Canada, but I'm experiencing some of the benefits of a public/private system. When I started physiotherapy, I called one day and had my first appointment the next. When I needed to see a specialist, my physiotherapist made the referral instead of me having to wait a month to see my GP who would refer me to a specialist. To see the specialist, I had to wait a few weeks instead of the 3 months or more it would have taken in Canada after my GP referral. As of today, I have surgery booked for my knee; and instead of waiting a year or more in Canada, I have to wait all of 5 days.

Now, before I get all kinds of hate mail and rude remarks, let me just say that I appreciate the system we have in Canada; I know it has done much good; and it has a place in our country. However, there is room for improvement and that won't happen until people are willing to let go of their sacred cow and accept that change can sometimes be good.

Wow, that just kind of came; I guess if I post this, I've just ruined my chances of getting elected to any political post in Canada for the next 20 years.

So, the summary of why I'm putting up this post...well, come to think of it, maybe I'm actually putting it up to ruffle some feathers :)...

...but the reason I started writing it was to let you know that I have knee surgery booked for next week Tuesday, October 16, 2007


patti said...

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I've seen and experienced the benefits of having insurance and getting services quicker. However, at the other end of the spectrum, in Alberta, we have to pay health premiums to receive basic health care. This is not health insurance. I work in a homeless shelter and many of our clients are not easily able to get health care because they don't have a health care card or they can't afford the health care dues and haven't been able to get on social assistance. There's got to be a happy medium that works for all.

p.s. I hope your surgery goes really well and that you heal quickly!

Karen said...

WOW, that IS fast!

Jonathan was once waiting to see a specialist about something (think it was work related tennis elbow or carpal tunnel type of thing). By the time he even got an appointment with that specialist it was well over a year later, he was at a different job, and we'd completely forgotten that he was still waiting for the appointment. The letter was good for a laugh and we were tempted to frame it.

(Good thing chiropractors don't have such long waiting lists ~ but that would be "private health care" wouldn't it?)

John R said...

I don't know why you seem so apoligetic for your thoughts on private health care. there are many who see the benifits of a dual health care system including me. I to hope all goes well for you.