"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Snake in picture "Day off" post

OK, I've kept you curious long enough. I have to admit the snake was fake. It was in the wildlife park in a hallway and I thought it could give a good picture. However, there are snakes in this country that do get to that size and I'm hoping I don't meet one up close and personal.


Ryan Tompkins said...

thanks a lot larry. i've been emailing a picture of amy and i with the snake to everyone back home telling them it was real, and now they're going to come across your site and know that i've been making it up all along. you've ruined my story.

haha. just kidding. i have been telling everyone back home about the great day we had, though. i'm looking forward to our next adventure.

(to all of larry's friends and family in canada... thanks for sharing him with us here. he's a great guy and an encouragement to everyone here.)


Larry Reimer said...

Editor's note, Ryan is one of my Canadian friends whom I spent the day with in Sydney. I did not pay him to say I'm such a nice guy...although he may be trying to ensure free rides in my car for the next couple of years... :-)

Ryan, this endorsement should be good for a couple of weeks of rides.

Anonymous said...

Hi Larry. You bought a car? Thanks for the pictures of your walk. Its great to be able see some of what your seeing. Now you hightened my interest in a trip out there. If only.