Saturday, October 21, 2006
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This site is set up to keep people back home in Canada informed of what's happening in my life in Australia. I will attempt to keep it current with interesting pictures and experiences of my time at Hillsong International Leadership College in the land down under. Feel free to leave comments for me or others to see. However, please leave your name so I know who's making comments. I will remove any comments or web links that I feel are not appropriate on this page.
"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young
"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"
Larry Reimer
Hey Mr.Bean,
I like your car! What's it's name? (make, model, age...that sort of thing. I'm asking for Dad.)
Mom also thought of Mr. Bean when she saw the car. She's wondering if it's a boy or girl car.
The car is a 1992 Holden Comodore. It's a girl. Her name is Francine except when she has an attitude in which case her name is shortened to Fran. Two of my friends decided one day when we had to leave her alone for an hour before she's start that she was a girl and one of my friends (Stephen in beach picture with me) named her.
Lesau left a comment here and due to an error on my part, I've deleted it. I'm Sorry. Please feel free to repost the message. I'm also not quite sure who Lesau is. In this case, first name isn't enough for me to recognise you. If you could please post a separate message with a little more info on this, I'll just look at that one for my own info and will not post to the blog when moderating comments. Thanks
Hey Larry it's me Lesau. I am going to leave you hanging and see if you can't figure out who I am. Maybe if I signed it L.Esau it would be better for you! Anyway, I left a comment and you are welcome to post this one if you want. I really don't believe you bought a car. Okay, I believe you bought a Hot Wheels version of a car but you do like to lead people on sometimes. Now if you post a picture of you IN this car, I will believe you. I thought it was a little too early for April fools jokes. I am praying for you and excited that you are making friends and that I can tell God is using you, just like he did in Blumenort and we miss you and are still looking forward to a steak dinner some time!
Lesau (have you figured it out yet?)
OK Lesau, I was a little blind with the name. You do have a valid point with me liking to lead people on sometimes - like a picture I posted earlier about what I saw underwater (I didn't say that I was underwater but some people assumed that I was). You're also right that it is a bit early for April Fools, although there is a celebration out here called Octoberfest and it runs one month starting early September. The problem is that I don't believe in lying and I did directly say that I bought a car. Maybe I'll leave you hanging a bit to but I will say I did not buy a hotwheels version or any other toy version of a car...
Sorry I wasn't able to do the steak dinner before I left. I'm not sure how it will work over Christmas time but maybe I can come to your house and I'll provide the food but borrow your cooking supplies (like a BBQ). I'm looking forward to seeing you and many other good friends when I come home for Christmas.
We would love to have you over and hear about your experiences thus far. Maybe a encore New Year's eve party with more Hogan's Hero's or Corner Gas. Call us when you get back!
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