Not a creature was stirring, not in my quiet house
They would have liked to, but couldn’t get up
With tummies filled on mighty fine grub
They came for a trial, came for a test
And I delivered them my very best
With apply pie and ice cream and all of the rest
I filled up their stomachs – intestines to oesophagus
(…ok, maybe that line is a bit quirky – but then again, what else have you come to expect from me??? J)
Was in the big store and shopping for food
I saw the red apples, and then I sure knew
I’d make a creation and make it look good
And if I was lucky, It’d taste good too
So off to the teller, or was it cashier?
Oh well, whatever, the time drawing near
I raced to my home and took out the stuff
And started my baking, at times looking rough
But on went the oven and in went the pie
In 45 minutes, appealing to eye
It looked oh so good, and tasted but great
I had to find company before was too late
So off to the next place, where thousands would be
I’d look for a friend, or maybe two or three
My search was successful, the place was my church
And after the service, well coffee of course
Invited them over, they almost declined
Then heard of creation, it sounded too fine
They came from anear, they came from afar
Alas, they came, in two separate cars
Well, this hardly seems like a great place to end the poem, but I need to rush off to the next place so I’ll call it the end J
Thought I’d leave you with a picture of the apple pie I made yesterday. Today, it’s off to the Blue Mountains to join a family for Christmas.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a great year to come.