"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Aussie things I'll miss at home

After careful consideration and many items vying for pre-eminence in my mind, it’s time to bring up the next list and mention the down(under)sides of moving on; so here is part two of the instalments on things to miss…

The weather – um, lets see… the same temperatures here in winter as in Canada in summer… need I say more?

Hillsong Church. There is a phenomenal culture in this church, great teaching, incredible worship music, massive events, and the movement of God using willing people to do amazing things throughout the world. That description sounds pretty much like my church back home in Canada. Hillsong just has a few more people. A great church at home certainly helps makes the transition a lot easier.

Friends. One downside to my life is that no matter where in the world I live, I have people somewhere else whom I miss. On the other hand, I have lots of people to visit if I ever decide to do some travel. I’m highly blessed to have great friends across the globe!

Tim Tams – but apparently I can get them at home now too…

The Weather. Oops, did I already say that? Oh well, it’s worth a second mention…

Every tree being an evergreen. The leaves could fall off, many of them just don’t cause it doesn’t get cold enough

Did I mention the weather yet?

Ok fine, there aren’t that many things on my list, just a lot of friends vying for top spot on the list, a great church, and the weather. But hey, those are pretty important things!!! I’m sure there are more things to mention, but I have chosen to look forward and to not dwell on the past or on what I’m leaving behind.


patti said...

The Tim Tams I've had back in Canada just don't seem to be as good. Although Superstore carries the same brand. Not the selection in flavours though. There are also many fakes that just don't measure up. :)

Betty said...

I thought of something you'll likely miss. The different birds that chatter & chirp outside your window year-round. Somehow I don't think you'll find the Canadian crows, geese & sparrows quite as pretty-sounding :) But at least the magpies won't attack you out here. Well, probably not.