"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Friday, August 29, 2008

A cracked shell

Due to rising fuel costs and the economic downturn resulting in fewer passengers, an airline looked at all options to decrease costs. In their attempt, they found a company that used egg yolks in the production of shampoo and was willing to sell the whites to the airline for use on their breakfast menu. One airline employee approached management concerned about the quality of their food deteriorating by loosing freshness and not including the yolk in their scrambled eggs. Upon hearing the concern, management, convinced it was fine, responded that it was a necessary step that was saving many jobs and assured the employee that everything would be all-white.


Betty said...

Good one, Larry, but you were expecting more response on it by now, weren't you? Guess the joke wasn't all it was cracked up to be ;)

Betty said...

Maybe you need to post something more eggciting on your blog in order to get more of a response :D

(Sorry, I know that one's a groaner. You don't have to post it if you don't want to.)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY! This is sent on time- Canadian time! -Spike