"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas time

My time speaking in church went great! Both Saturday night and Sunday morning I felt there was something specific that someone there needed to hear so I said it. I shared 4 times and each time was different; and each time, numerous people said it had impacted them greatly and prompted them to changes in their own lives. It is so encouraging to know that God is speaking through me when I just let Him!

After sharing on Sunday morning, I left for Saskatchewan. 700 miles, one family gathering, and one Boxing Day shopping trip later I’m now ready to spend another 7 hours or so driving out to see friends in another province. I’m planning to head out early tomorrow morning and get a couple days in with a few friends and a day of skiing in the great Canadian Rockies before driving back to Saskatchewan to share in a church here, take in an extended family gathering and spend a few more days with immediate family and some friends.

I joined my brother and his wife and children for their family Christmas celebration. We had a great time of reading a Christmas story, having a good meal, and exchanging gifts and playing with them.

Before the meal

During the meal, after one of the children took a solid swipe at a cup half full of pop and sent it sprawling over the table. I was so proud of my sister in law laughing over this as we cleaned up the mess – ok so she cleaned up most of it while I stood around taking pictures.

I also ended up having some fun with a new toy my nephew received. The fun came in the form of some photo editing, an email, and a later confession to my brother in Saskatchewan that I had not actually bought a snowmobile. This picture is actually of a toy snowmobile about 2 inches long. The background is an original picture of an actual house. I thought it had worked out quite well considering I was on a very tight schedule with it and it was my first time doing something so detailed.

The evening sky in the Prairies as I drove from Manitoba to Saskatchewan.

1 comment:

Ryan Tompkins said...

Good job with that picture of the snowmobile, Larry. You'd make a pretty good grapic designer.

I'm glad to hear the speaking went well, but I'm not surprised. I really didn't expect to hear anything other than that. I knew what you would say would be something special. Good on ya, mate!
