"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Harsh weather

I just have to tell you all that yesterday was the coldest November day in Sydney in 100 years. We got down to 8 degrees Celsius and only hit a daytime high of 15. Ouch is that ever cold!


Betty said...

You should have been in Saskatchewan yesterday. We had perfect snowman-making weather in the morning, and risk of rain and +5 later in the day...Great conditions for icy roads.

Don't you miss that, Larry? I bet it's much harder to have a little fun with your car when there's no snow & ice ;)

Kim said...

brrr.. are you sure you can survive at +15 Larry?

Betty said...

I heard some news yesterday that should make it easier for you to endure your "harsh weather".
The weather forcast here was for a low of -32 (with windchill) by the weekend. That's a difference of 37 degrees in one week! And you call your weather harsh.

Anonymous said...

Larry, glad to see that you made it back to Manitoba safe and sound. Have a Merry Christmas. Talk to you soon,,, when you come back home to Steinbach
