"I suppose that since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing..." WM Paul Young

"Only after one experiences the incredible pain of loss, can he appreciate the unbelievable joy of restoration"

Larry Reimer

Monday, May 19, 2008

Decision Time

Late last year, a pastor suggested I should stay in Australia a bit longer, do another year of school, and do and internship with him. I turned him down. A few months later, another pastor asked me what my plans were for after July and suggested I do an internship with him. I turned him down too. A few months later, yet another pastor made a similar suggestion and I decided it was time to seriously consider it. I spent the next month labouring over the decision and finally made the commitment he was looking for.

After much deliberation, seeking advice from other people and direction from God, recalling memories and thinking of future direction, I’ve committed to staying in Australia another year. Assuming I can get an appropriate visa, I plan to stay here till July 2009 and take on a larger role within the church. I was asked specifically to start doing pastoral care for people aged 25-35; coming alongside those who are struggling and helping them through tough seasons in life. This is precisely the sort of “work” I’ve been training for and this is a great opportunity to get involved, be challenged, and become a better man. I’ll be working with the same pastor with whom I’ve now made two trips to Africa. In short, working with him will surely push me to grow in certain areas of life where I see weaknesses; serving in this capacity will provide opportunities to use my strengths, gifts, and abilities; and being involved with the area I’ll be in will give me great exposure to more of the inner workings of a large and influential church. I debated long and hard on whether to take this opportunity or to move home at this time and ultimately, I believe that by stepping into this role, I will be much better prepared to step into whatever roles await me in my future.

There are still many questions regarding how this will all work out but that’s not really in my hands. I need to do my part to make it work and leave the rest up to God.

So now instead of moving home in July, I plan to take a trip home somewhere between now and Christmas to pay a visit. I don’t know yet when that will be, but it won’t be anything before July 19th because of other plans I have between now and then. I guess for now, I’ll just say “hi” in passing to everyone reading this blog. I wish you all the best; and you now have one additional year to come visit me in Australia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Larry, We are praying for you and it is so good to hear of how the Lord is working in your life. We will continue to pray for you as you move forward with this new decision and May God richly bless you.

In our thoughts and prayers,
Elmer and Elfrieda